Chunk Removal Tool

Hide AI generation parameters from images by removing the png chunks.

The Chunk Removal Tool is crafted for users seeking to safeguard the privacy of their AI-generated images, like those created with Stable Diffusion. It removes all chunks from PNG files, eliminating embedded metadata, such as generation parameters and other sensitive data. This ensures the confidentiality of the creative process behind your images, offering a layer of protection for your digital artwork and its proprietary details.

Essential data of your PNG files is preserved. This includes the PNG signature, which verifies the file format, the IHDR chunk that contains the image's header information (like width, height, and color type), the IDAT chunk which holds the actual image data, and the IEND chunk, signaling the end of the PNG file. All other non-essential metadata and data chunks are completely removed, ensuring that your images remain visually intact while significantly enhancing their privacy and security.


  • Only .png image files
  • Filesize max 25MB
  • 1 file at a time

Drag and drop a file here or click

Drag and drop or click to replace

Image without png chunks

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